Whatever you believe to be true about the world, will be proven to be true in your world.

The world without (the outside) is an exact hard copy of the world within (the inside), or the soft copy. Beliefs are core programmesthat run in the mega computer known as The Mind. The magnitude of the power of a single thought is a drop, compared to the power of a million similar thoughts which become as commanding as the ocean. When many similar thoughts come together, they bond and form what is known as a belief. This belief is then anchored securely into the subconscious mind and becomes responsible for the reality you then experience. Thoughts become beliefs, beliefs then drive your behavior, behaviors turn into habits, and the summary of your habits dictate your destiny.

There are no good or bad beliefs, nor are there right or wrong beliefs. Beliefs are just beliefs. Fire is just fire, neither good of bad, but do you use it to cook a meal or light up a cigarette? In fact all beliefs are lies. The word lie exists within the word belief!
The question is though, which belief or lie would you want to live?
The answer to this question, can be found by answering another question – Is the belief I choose to hold onto, supporting me in living an extraordinary, incredible, inspired life filled with love, joy and beautiful possibilities, or it is destroying every dream I have and driving me to  live a meaningless, powerless and ordinary life? If your belief supports you in the former, keep it and share it. But if it supports you in the latter, thenit is time to let it go, and begin a new and amazing life.
I have identified 10 World Beliefs that should be dropped if you wish to live an empowered, inspired and extraordinary life.

To support you further, I have divided the beliefs into what I know to be the top of the list in the categories of: Health, Wealth, Relationships, Spiritual, Social, Vocational, Mental, Business, Family, & Emotional, based on the clients I have worked with. Each belief is followed by a Mini Solution to breaking free from the belief.

1.  I usually get the flu about twice a year. 
It is not normal to be sick. Health and wellness is your natural state. Hospitals and emergency rooms should really only be used for physical trauma to the body. However, we have programmed into our mind the belief that it is okay to be sick. Physical illness begins in the mind. The symptoms you experience in your body, are the final manifestation of the dis-ease you have experienced in your mind. No 2 bodies in this world are made the same, just as no 2 models of cars are the same. Each car model will have strong and weak parts, as will your body. The earlier your identify your weak part, the earlier you can support that part which is weak.

Mini Solution: Drink at least 3 liters of water a day. This will flush out toxic waste. Keep your body in an alkaline state by eating alkaline foods (fresh fruit and vegetables, especially greens). No virus or bacteria can survive in an alkaline environment. Stay away from sugar, wheat, and red meat as much as possible.

2.  Money is not that important.
There is a simple Law around attracting wealth and having money – It is: Money flows to those that value and appreciate it. If you believe that money is not that important, then you are really saying that you are not that important. The reason that this is true, is because if you are providing some value to the world, then the world will value you – and hence you will be paid (money). The more valuable you believe you are, the more opportunities to make money, become available to you.

Mini Solution: Write down 100 reasons why you believe that you are of value to the world. Keep writing until you are left with tears of gratitude.

3. I keep meeting people that end up hurting me.

Up to the age of 7, we pick our core beliefs from our parents and from the people that are closest to us. We learn from them what love is, and what a relationship is supposed to be like. Unfortunately, we don’t always grow up with the best of teachers, and we end up learning how to sabotage our own relationships, repeatedly; until we either truly value, love, and accept ourselves as we are, the way we are, or realize that the belief we held around relationships no longer serves us.

Mini Solution: Identify the people in your past that represent the current challenges you have in your relationships. Once you do that, keep asking yourself, if what you learned was really true, or merely an untruth you perceived as truth. Once you have done this, forgive yourself for learning the relationship sabotaging belief and commit to a new belief that mirrors the relationship you want to experience.

4. Why is God doing this to me!

Understand that nothing is happening to you, but really only through you. You are experiencing the world through your own filters of beliefs and perceptions. No one is doing anything to you, and no one will do anything to you. In fact, the truth is, no one does anything to you, that you have not done to yourself, or to others, either consciously or unconsciously.  The only victims in life, are the ones that put this label on themselves.
Mini Solution: Move into knowing that all that happens to you, is happening to support you in moving back into love and power. It must serve you in some way, and therefore it is happening. So, quickly understand the life lesson and move on to your next life challenge.

5. I cannot find friends that I can trust.

You can only find in the world, that which you are. The Universe is nothing more than a reflection of everything you are. You cannot find people that you trust because you simply either do not trust others or do not trust yourself. The root cause of this belief is in the latter. Until you really learn to trust yourself in every way, you will keep meeting people that reflect this inner state of distrust. Trust has it’s own root in fear. What fear are you holding into that is is disguising itself as distrust?
Mini Solution: Learn to trust and be confident in your own life decisions. Be prepared to stand up to whatever challenges show up from the choices you make. Trust in yourself that the choices you make, lead to the revealing of the powerful being you are. There is nothing to fear, but only to explore and grow.

6. It is too late to go after my dream and do what I love, & love what I do.

Sadly most people believe that a dream is a destination. An end result that must be completed like a goal to lose weight or make a million dollars. The truth is, that the pursuit of the dream actually brings more joy and satisfaction than the realization of the dream itself. It is the journey, not the destination that makes an extraordinary life. When you are in pursuit of your dream, than each day becomes fueled with enthusiasm and inspiration. If you keep focusing on the end result, you will miss the beauty of what lies right in front of you. Success is not about getting there, but rather, about waking up each day with joy in your heart.
Mini Solution: Find out what you would want to do, if money, people, resources and time did not matter. Once you have found the answer to this, then take 7 steps each day to make this dream a reality.

7. I cannot change the way I think, I was born this way.

The cause of all pain and suffering in the world is ignorance. If the world chose to understand more, rather than be understood, then we would evolve at the level of consciousness exponentially. When we are born, our minds are like a blank canvas. We are the artists and we decide what the painting of your life will like look. Each stroke of the brush is a thought. You do not stop painting until you take your final breath. If you simply understand that the mind is yours to create with and rule over, then you will become a master of your destiny. If you believe that someone else is painting your picture, then you will become and remain a victim of your history. Each and every moment, you get to choose the thoughts you think, and therefore choose the life you live.
Mini Solution: If you wish to develop new thoughts, you must paint over the old thoughts. We do this be repeating phrases that are aligned to the reality we wish to experience. We call these mantras or affirmations.

8. I am just not a sales person.

You are an infinity of divinity – you are everything – you are all things. When you say to yourself that you are “not” something, you are limiting yourself and shrinking yourself. You say you are not a sales person, because you actually have a fear of rejection or a fear of what other people will say about you. You place more value on the opinions of other people about you, than your own opinion of yourself. Rejection is nothing more than the clue that you are getting close to an acceptance. The more times that you are rejected, the more closer you are to success. When you put aside your fears and step outside your pretty and perfect comfort zone, then the great adventure of life really begins.
Mini Solution: All words that come after the phrase “I am” will determine your destiny. Pay attention to each time you use the words I AM in a sentence either to yourself or to others, because in that very moment, you are creating you own reality.

9. I am always treated like the black sheep in the family.

Are you different or are you just extraordinary? Do you stand out or are you outstanding? Are you the black sheep or do you just like the color black? All of the greatest minds and genius of the world were called crazy, mad, or just plain loony. But the truth is, that these people were beyond their time and were misunderstood. They saw the world in a way that no one else could, and because they did, they changed it! If you are the black sheep in the family, I would actually call you special in many ways. You are pushing buttons and getting people to see themselves through you! Congratulations, you are more valuable than you realize!
Mini Solution:  “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer. If you begin to look at your beliefs with a new and fresh perceptive, you may be surprised at what realizations follow!

10. I will be happy when I get  __________.

If you are waiting to be happy, you will always be waiting. If your emotional state is determined by something, person, or event on the outside, then you will become a puppet and your life will be owned by the people with whom you interact with you. I once read that, that you should never put the keys to your happiness in someone else’s pocket. I found this extremely profound, until I had the epiphany that the door to happiness is always open and no keys are needed. We spend so much of our lives, needing permission to be happy, when we can simply choose to be happy if and when we want. If you can manage your own emotional state, you are on your way to mastery on every level.
Mini Solution: Make a list of the people, things and circumstances that you have in your life that bring you happiness. Now imagine if they were gone. Would your happiness disappear too? If you answered yes, then you are living a life that is based on pseudo-happiness. True happiness is when you are happy regardless of what you have or don’t have.
If you don’t know that you don’t know then you are excused, but if you are know that you know, then what is your excuse? Now that you know the beliefs that are stopping you from living a truly great life, what are going to do? Carl Jung said, “Until we make the unconscious, conscious – you will label anything that happens to you as bad luck.”
Now that you are aware; now that you are conscious, it is time to take the necessary steps towards greatness.

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How to Set powerful GOALS

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Getting you to where you want to go is my top priority. With a blend of deep spiritual insights, philosophy and practical tools, I add an unique perspective as I deliver an entertaining and powerful message of hope to others just like you. I assist in aligning others to their deepest values and can help you on your journey to make your dreams come true by teaching you how to move out of your head and into your heart.

By shifting your perceptions, paradigms and beliefs you can overcome personal challenges and live your life with limited amounts of fear, worry and pain, turning it instead into love, personal power, and purpose.

I’m Hitesher Gef, and I live in beautiful South Africa along the coast of KwaZulu-Natal. I am an author, inspirational speaker, and hypnosis practitioner with a background in Science: Medical Technician with a Bachelors degree in Biology.

Apart from being enamored with Science, my ultimate vision is to become a leader in philosophy, metaphysics, and healing, with an emphasis on human behavior, blending Science and Spirituality together. My mission is to open hearts, help minds transcend limitations and create a space for people like you to begin to open up to the realm of infinite possibilities. 

It is my greatest hope that you will come to realize that you can love what you do and do what you love without fear, guilt or shame.


Join our list to stay inspired, along with 8 000 other people who are passionate about shifting their life. 


I assist you in taking your life to the next level by using a brain based model of coaching. I focus on goal setting and shifting your perspective to achieving the life you deserve.

 I continuously coached my team and informally I coached and inspire many of my clients, vendors and friends opening their own business, find direction in their careers and most importantly; finding the goal within themselves. I have completed many self development courses. This journey has led me on exploring my purpose in life, adding value to other individuals and that is what I accomplish by coaching. My Client base includes: Non Profit Organizations, IT professtionals, Business owners.

My Motto: Change will happen; it is what you do after that; that really counts. I have over 20 years’ experience in management and leadership. SA Home Loans afforded me the opportunity of growing into a senior management role with a rotating MANCO position. During my time at SA Home Loans I was able to work with many people from different backgrounds, this allowed me to be able to embrace our diverse South African culture and have an appreciation of the value each team member brings to the table. 

I was a participant on the Mentorship program in 2010/2011 and subsequently selected on the Bank SETA program: Certificate in Management Development (CMD). This has exposed me to different facets of management and leadership which are in line with my passion. I completed my B Com specialising in Investment management in June 2019. 

I am an internationally certified Results Coach  since 2008. In September 2018 I decided to take the leap of faith and venture into something I have always been passionate about – people! In October 2018 I registered my own Management, life leadership coaching business – Be The Shift I have also been blessed by being one of the recipient of the Man Of Valour Awards held at Sibaya isiZulu Theater in October 2018 for my contributions to society

Getting you to where you want to go is my top priority. With a blend of deep spiritual insights, philosophy and practical tools, I add an unique perspective as I deliver an entertaining and powerful message of hope to others just like you. I assist in aligning others to their deepest values and can help you on your journey to make your dreams come true by teaching you how to move out of your head and into your heart.

Getting you to where you want to go is my top priority. With a blend of deep spiritual insights, philosophy and practical tools, I add an unique perspective as I deliver an entertaining and powerful message of hope to others just like you. I assist in aligning others to their deepest values and can help you on your journey to make your dreams come true by teaching you how to move out of your head and into your heart.

Getting you to where you want to go is my top priority. With a blend of deep spiritual insights, philosophy and practical tools, I add an unique perspective as I deliver an entertaining and powerful message of hope to others just like you. I assist in aligning others to their deepest values and can help you on your journey to make your dreams come true by teaching you how to move out of your head and into your heart.

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